Letting science speak for itself
Letter from the EditorsWelcome to Issue 002!

Welcome to Issue 002!

Building on the success of our first issue, we are excited to continue our mission of informing, educating and promoting knowledge in vaccinology and vaccination.

In our “Coffee with an Expert” section, we are honored to feature Professor Rino Rappuoli, who shares his insights, experiences and opinions on his legacy in vaccine discovery, the present and future of vaccine platforms, avian influenza, pandemic preparedness, and his thoughts on the importance of vaccine acceptance, encapsulated in his message: “Don’t be afraid of vaccines.”

Our “Editor’s Corner” section delves into the threat of avian influenza, while the “Best Practice” section highlights the impact of a single-dose Hepatitis A vaccine as an effective public health intervention, with supporting data from Argentina and other countries.

The “Guest Contributor” section explores the complex factors influencing access to medicines and vaccines, emphasizing the need for a globally equitable approach.

As always, this issue features the “Latest Scientific Publications” and the most recent and significant “News and Alerts.”

We hope you find this August issue informative and engaging. We look forward to continuing this unique effort in support of a healthier planet.
