Letting science speak for itself
Letter from the EditorsWelcome to Issue 003!

Welcome to Issue 003!

Welcome to our third issue of Vaccines Beat. We are excited to continue our mission of communicating, educating, and promoting knowledge in the fields of vaccinology and vaccination.
In our “Coffee with an Expert” section, we are extremely honored to have an interview with Professor Stanley Plotkin, the legend behind vaccines, and indeed the top leader in vaccinology nowadays. Prof. Plotkin enlightens us with various topics, including rubella vaccination, the mumps virus evolution and its current needed vaccines, the threats behind the avian flu potential pandemic, the continuous setback of vaccine inequity, lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic emphasizing on the necessity of improved global surveillance, the 100 days voyage to manufacture and distribute a vaccine against pathogen ‘X’, an update on one of his multiple contributions to vaccinology: ‘correlates of protection’, and finalizing with some of his own words of wisdom. Indeed, a joyful conversation in which Prof. Plotkin replenished knowledge, enthusiasm, science, and hope.
Our “Editor’s Corner” section focuses on addressing the current threat of mpox and “the dangerous game of clades” as well as the need for more equitable vaccine distribution.
The “Best Practice” section highlights the impact of more simplified and versatile vaccine regimens against the always lethal rabies.
In the “Guest Editor” section the Bunge and Born Foundation from Argentina delves into the fascinating topic of measuring vaccine confidence and access, both essential for achieving successful vaccination outcomes.
As always, this issue includes the “Latest Scientific Publications” and the most recent and significant “News and Alerts.”
We hope you find this September issue informative and engaging, and we look forward to continuing this unique effort in support of a healthier planet.
