Letting science speak for itself
Letter from the EditorsWelcome to Issue 007!

Welcome to Issue 007!

Welcome to our seventh issue of Vaccines Beat. We are excited to continue our mission of communicating, educating, and promoting knowledge in the fields of vaccinology and vaccination.

To kick off the year, we are delighted to express our heartfelt gratitude to the thousands of readers and subscribers from all five continents who have joined us in this six-month journey since the launch of our first issue. Your support inspires our unwavering commitment to continuously enhance Vaccines Beat as a leading global newsletter.

In our ‘Coffee with an Expert’ section, we are delighted to feature an interview with Dr. Xavier Sáez-Llorens, a renowned expert in Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Dr. Saez-Llorens is a distinguished researcher, professor, clinical developer, vaccinologist, investor, and lecturer from Panama. He serves as the Chief of Infectious Diseases and the Director of Clinical Research at the Dr. Jose Renan Esquivel Children’s Hospital in Panama. He is a member of the National Committee of Bioethics in Research and is recognized as a Distinguished Researcher in the National Research System (SNI, Senacyt) and at the Vaccine Research Center, Cevaxin. Dr. Saez-Llorens shared valuable insights on the challenges and critical factors for success in conducting vaccine clinical trials in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). He highlighted his success story in Panama and emphasized the importance of strengthening manufacturing capabilities while enhancing quality research across Latin America and other LMICs. 

In the ‘Editor’s Corner’ section, we delve into the rationale for vaccinating travelers, examining it from both the traveler’s and the destination region’s perspectives. We also highlight key examples, including considerations in the context of global pandemics.

In the ‘Best Practice’ section, we provide a comprehensive reflection on pandemic threats, examining them from a human, public health, and global leadership perspectives. We emphasize how collective action at a planetary level is essential for effective intervention.

In the ‘Guest Contributor’ section, we are honored to feature a contribution from one of our key partners, the Federation of African Immunological Societies (FAIS). They provide an insightful summary of their 12th Congress (FAIS-2024), held in Cotonou, Benin, in December of 2024.

As always, this issue features carefully curated and up-to-date information on the ‘Latest Scientific Publications’ along with the most recent and important ‘News and Alerts’.

We hope you find this issue informative and engaging, and we look forward to continuing this unique effort in support of a healthier planet.
